December 31, 1994

Partying till dawn

I'm in Tours with Cathy, staying with her friend Catherine.  It's New Year's Eve and we went out to paint the town red.

Dinner was at Au Fil de la Loire, which was serving the Menu de la Saint-Sylvestre.

Kir pétillant et feuilletés maison

Raviolis au crabe sauce langoustine

Noisettes d'agneau au coulis de poivrons

Bavarois au miel d'acacia

After dinner, we went dancing at Pym's and partied until 6am...

August 30, 1994

Warm-centered chocolate cake

I had dinner with Cathy tonight at La Rôtisserie d'en Face, which came highly recommended.  Took the 3-course menu.

Ravioli of escargot - these came in a consommé and were pretty yummy.

Agneau moussaka - this was my first exposure to moussaka, and I really loved it!  The combination of minced lamb with eggplant was wonderful.

Soft-centered chocolate cake - the warm chocolate came had melted chocolate sauce, which oozed out once you cut it open.  Really amazing stuff!

Gotta come back here...